Today we touch on Why modify and how to modify LE. Also we discussed the instruments used. Most commonly used is still WIHIC. Importantly, i found out about why questionaires are designed to be structured or unstructured. Because unstructured questionaire is to prevent biased, stereo-typed response and to avoid consistencies.
Next we were exposed to School Level Environment Questionaire (SLEQ) Table 3.1 and how this can be link to Moo's scheme about Relationship, Personal Development and System Maintenance & System Change.
My take away is the SLEQ and how it can be link to the case studies of School A, B and C. Because the survey is targeted towards the teachers, therefore naturally there are no problems for them. The commonality between the 3 schools are mainly on the principals and the N level students. Although i must say that our education system has indeed improve over the years (e.g. no more labelling of VI: Vocational Institute but ITE: Institute of Technical Education), it is still the mental model of the students and the one who perceive them that counts. Why has the case studies shown that the N level students are less or not motivated at all? To me, it is how they perceived themselves. In this case, they perceived to be second class citizens which leads to them being lazy and so on.
On the contrary, if their perception is otherwise, these students will achieve differently and will be whoever they may wish to be.