

Monday, December 1, 2008


US Open 08

New Media in Teaching Pedagogy

Ho ho ho, this is my last module. My aim for this week is to learn all the tools and see how best i can make use of them for my teaching in AOAS. Of which, i can think of a few;
1) Concept Map for introduction to AIOC training programme, different modules, expectations, 15 steps of BP, Ex HAWK requirement and reflection.
2) Weblog / Wiki for attack quiz , discussion and reflection.
3) Podcast for demonstration on Mission Analysis.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 5 Reflection

Normally, on the last day of the course, you will summarise your reflection. I am happy that i have learn quite a lot on this module. Personally i have learn to blog (in the past, i think it is a waste of time or maybe use "no time" as an excuse to learn). And how easy to use WIHIC but tough to use SPSS. But the more important question is how can i apply this to my workplace? And the bigger question is how to string up the previous two modules (ID and EP) with this one to add meaning to my own learning process.

In fact, i am already looking forward to the next course in Jul: Planning and Designing Flexible Learning. Well in fact, i am ambitious enough to want to complete the entire package by this Dec. Thanks to all (my motivated friends and enthusiastic teacher Dr. Quek) for giving me a positive learning experience. Take care.

Day 4 Reflection

How to administer questionnaire? The before, the during and the after. Every process is important. E.g. to administer the survey yourself instead of getting someone to do it for you is very important. My take away for today is more on the design of the questionnaire. I was taught during the Principles of Questionnaire Design during the ID package that normally the format has a scale of 1 to 5. Scale 1 being the most negative and 5 being the most positive. Even WIHIC’s samples have shown that the left hand scale is the most disagree one.

But when an example was flashed to illustrate how a school teacher uses WIHIC to administer the learning environment, it was done the other way round. She labeled the left hand scale as the most agreed (I assumed and hoped that it has a 5 point scale rather than a 1 point scale).

As a child, we are structured to see numbers from the left to the right and from smaller to bigger order. If indeed the teaching point here is about applying the norm, then indeed the norm for us is to see 1,2,3….and not 3,2,1….